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«Spring Flowers» Fancy Pop-Up Paper Card for Mom!We saw the idea for this card on the internet and decided to make one, but better! This is one of those times when minimal effort gets you FANTASTIC results! If you are making this card with a toddler, then help them make this card, but a kid that is around 5 years old can make it by themselves.
Cut 4 sheets of colored paper into halves, you will need 7 of those 8 halves. Bend these halves diagonally and cut the excess paper off, so that you get a square folded diagonally.
Glue 2 side flowers to the middle one (purple is the middle flower in the photo).
Glue a flower onto the top of the middle flower.
Now glue 2 flowers to the sides (the side flowers in the picture are purple and tan). Now glue another flower onto the top of the middle flower (yellow is the middle flower in the picture). Now were going to make the card itself! Fold the watercolor paper in half. Unlike most cards, the most important part of this card is inside of it, so make the background cover out of colored paper and glue it onto the inside of the card.
Put a drop of glue on the middle petal and glue it to the card, do the same thing on the other side of the flower. Let the glue dry.
Decorate the cover however you want. Now we’re going to decorate the middles of the flowers! To do that put a little glue into the middle of a flower and put a flower stamen or flat-back pearl onto the glue, then do the same thing for the rest of the flowers (there is a trick to how to add such little decorations so they look nice: flower stamens and flat-back pearls stick to both the lead of crayons and to the lead of an eyeliner pencil, so you can stick them into the lead and use that to carefully put the flower stamens or flat-back pearls onto the glue). Our card is almost complete, just wait for the glue to dry! 28.02.2018
By: Motovilova Nanaliya (=Натулька=)
Photo: Motovilova Nanaliya
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