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How to Make a Pop-Up Carnation Flower Card: Step by Step TutorialA child can make this beautiful paper card with pop-up Carnation by themselves, if they do what these instructions say to do step by step. You will need:
Now you have 4 red squares that are the same size. Cut a square with a side length of 7cm out of the green piece of paper. Fold each one of the squares (both the green and the red) diagonally, then fold them in half 3 more times. Cut along the solid lines on the photo. Cut ridges onto the shorter side of the triangles. Unfold, you should end up with 5 ridged circles. Cut one of the folds so that the cut goes from the edge to the center. Start folding the circles from the cut along the already made folds. You should end up with something that looks like a fan. Fold the construction paper in half, so you get a card. Now glue one of the red triangles to the card, make sure that it is 1mm away from the middle fold. Now glue the 2nd red triangle below the 1st triangle. Do the same for the 3rd, but this time instead of gluing below the 1st triangle glue below the 2nd triangle. Do the same thing for the 4th triangle. Now glue the green triangle below the 4th red triangle. Put glue on the top side of all the triangles and close the card. Let the glue dry. Open the card once the glue has dried. Cut a stem and some leaves out of the green piece of paper, the stem should be about 6mm wide. Glue the stem and leaves onto the middle fold of the card. You can decorate the cover of the card if you want to.
Our card is ready! 24.04.2020 Author: Natalya Motovilova |
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